The Socio Psychological Traditions That Are Involved In The Field Of Communication

In my personal life, health communication has been a problem, especially in recent years. But, I have the ability to influence it. My mom has been to and from the hospital. Therefore, I have attended many meetings and only understood a quarter what surgeons and doctors said to me. This paper will examine the socio-psychological traditions involved in health communication. It will also discuss the effects they have on me and how I can help. The terms doctors use to describe this make it appear that they do not care about the families they treat. Although many of these doctors shared information with me regarding my mother’s ongoing chronic illness, I have struggled understanding much of it due the medical terminology. Doctors would feel more connected to patients and their families if they took the time to get to know them. Family members will be more comfortable talking to doctors, and they will trust them in their decisions. It’s been very beneficial for me to have my stepdad, an oncologist. This has allowed him to simplify the complicated terms and explain what is happening with my mom.

The socio-psychological traditions has been the mainstay of much of the work in health communication. This essay will explore the perspectives of several different researchers on health communication between doctors. The socio-psychological view of things is based on scientific research and testing to determine credibility. Socio-psychological research focuses on the causes and effects of the experiment results. Hannah Bayne is the first psychologist that we will be looking at. Hannah explains that doctors are more likely to focus on the medical treatment than on patients’ emotional concerns when they hear them out. Patients are often misled by doctors who try to change the subject or focus on the medical treatment. Although doctors may not want to, many doctors don’t seem to feel the need to express empathy for patients. Patients feel afraid to discuss their conditions with doctors because they don’t show empathy. Patients fear that their concerns will be ignored. (Bayne)

Thompson is another psychologist to have looked at the field of health communications. Thompson was particularly interested in the tension that exists between patients and doctors. Thompson discusses how doctors don’t consider the emotions, values, and beliefs of patients. One doctor explained that explaining illness is not just about processing accurate information. It involves determining the meaning of our self, relationships, and roles in relation to health care providers and loved ones. We think doctors are able to communicate their findings in medical terminology to outsiders. They have to be aware of the many aspects that affect medicine. Doctors must see beyond the physical appearance of patients; they must also consider the values and beliefs of their patients. (Thompson T.L., 6)

One thing I want you to pay attention to, and which I will briefly mention later, it the terminology doctors use to communicate with their patients. Bigi is another socio-psychological theorist that focuses on the use of ‘expert-to-non-expert’ interactions, and how one of the distinguishing features is that there is no or very little shared knowledge between the subjects. This means that no matter if you’re a doctor or not, there is very little to no common knowledge in medical terminology. When a doctor uses medical terminology that is not familiar, it can be difficult to get along with him. This may make people question their decision to seek medical care. (Bigi, 12)

Mary Talen is an experienced psychologist that conducts a study to help patients use a written format to communicate with their doctors. The ability of patients to communicate their concerns and organize their needs can make it easier for doctors and patients to have better communication. This shows the importance of patient involvement in the communication process. This study was designed to teach patients how to communicate more effectively with doctors. (Talen, 4)

After having looked at the sociopsychological legacy, I will now focus on the semiotics as well as the rhetorical traditions. These traditions provide terminology and create space for patients and doctors.

Today’s society can lead to confusion regarding communication between physicians and patients. This issue requires semiotics and rhetorical analysis. Semiotic tradition is based on symbols and signs. The semiotic tradition plays a role in health communication. For example, doctors using medical terminology that is confusing while communicating with patients or their families may cause panic. Arthur Berger’s semiotics research is worth a look. Berger would have said that doctors are creating anxiety among their patients, which is how semiotics is being ruined. Large words used by doctors to tell patients about their results can make it scary. But doctors are not to blame. Patients need to have a better understanding of medicine in order to communicate with them. Doctors use language that isn’t appropriate to their audience. They also use words that aren’t suitable for their patients. Medical terminology is fine, up to the point when it is used in painful situations.

Doctors have a lot to offer and are very well-informed. Expertise can help doctors provide comfort. The doctor can help a patient feel better if they have a name for the problem. Perhaps there’s hope if the name is known. This goes beyond the important medical terms. It is about how words are used and how the doctor treats the patient as an individual. It’s not about the choice of words, but how they are used.

There are a few things doctors can do to help the patient feel more comfortable, besides the reduction/explanation of medical terminology. Doctors can make a connection with patients and have a more personal relationship. Dr. Steven Abramson states, “I think everyone should understand that our primary goal as doctors is not to just treat people, but to get to know them personally so they can trust them.” Matthew Mercuri, a Langone medical student, said that it is important to learn about the patient’s life, home and social networks in order to understand the disease. (Moisses, 2)

We will be focusing on the rhetorical approach. This essay is about my identity and how it affects me, a family member suffering from cancer. We’ll also explore the effects of doctor’s speeches on patients and their families. “The rhetor is responsible for finding the best, most appropriate and suitable solution to the given situation. Rhetorical competence facilitates others in need. (Hyde. 46) This is the perfect example of Hyde’s advice that there are specific types of rhetoric that you can use when communicating with people in every situation.

Looking at Hyde’s works, you will see that he uses the term “space” to describe how we as individuals feel connected to the world and have an input in decision-making. Doctors need to deal with ethos. They need to understand that patients need to feel comfortable and openly discuss their medical problems with them. It seems like doctors don’t care enough about the patients’ feelings and their stories. To understand why this is happening, we must look at the meanings ethos and space. Hyde says that space can be understood as acknowledgment. He also states that acknowledgment is an act that acknowledges other persons and creates room for them. This extra living space opens up the possibility of a new beginning. One might have a “second chance” to improve their lives. The transformation of space and of time can be a source of hope. It allows people to feel valued, needed, and appreciated, as well as to recognize the value of our existence. Positive acknowledgement is morally right.” (Hyde). Ethos is the acknowledgment that has created an environment for people to “know each other” about a topic of their interest. Acknowledgement, which is a gesture directed toward someone other than the one performing it, is a way to make space and time available for others to be attentively listened and observed. (Hyde, 60)

Colleen Fogarty, a psychologist, also examines the relationship between doctor and patient. “Some patients may view physicians as extended family members who have a significant impact on their lives throughout their life. Patients’ past relationships with doctors can have a significant impact on how they relate to physicians today. Fogarty focuses on how doctor-patient relationships can improve the doctor’s ability care for patients by better understanding who they are. The doctor will have a stronger relationship with the patient if he or she can understand their beliefs, behavior, and expectations. Fogarty hopes that patients and doctors will spend more time talking to more complex patients so they can gain deeper insights. Fogarty makes a strong candidate to my essay. Because we share the same views, patients are not just numbers. Each patient has an individual story. Doctors should spend more time with each patient in order to fully understand each patient’s situation. (Fogarty, 4)

This paper concludes with the statement that health professionals need to improve their communication skills. The need for health professionals to carefully assess meaning transmission using both verbal or nonverbal assessment is even more important than it is currently encouraged or expected (Thompson 52). This can be seen in the way doctors use medical terminology but do not allow the patient or their family to have a clear understanding of what is happening. Doctors use medical terminology in order to inform patients about the situation. Many people don’t know what these terms mean so doctors don’t help them understand what it means or how to make decisions.


  • lindabarber

    I'm Linda Barber, a 29-year-old blogger and teacher. I'm passionate about writing and communicating ideas, and I love helping others achieve their goals. I also love going on adventures, learning new things, and spending time with my family and friends.



I'm Linda Barber, a 29-year-old blogger and teacher. I'm passionate about writing and communicating ideas, and I love helping others achieve their goals. I also love going on adventures, learning new things, and spending time with my family and friends.

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