The Theme Of Hamlet’s Revenge In The ‘Tragedy Of Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark’

Revenge can be used to retaliate against someone for wrongdoing. Sometimes, past events or occurrences can trigger revenge. A person’s history of hate can have an impact on the severity of their revenge. The severity of the revenge will also depend on the motivation. The severity of the wrong-doing determines the intensity of the revenge. But revenge isn’t always right or necessary. It is a tool that can be used at a certain time or place. However, it does not always work. Hamlet is incited by the idea that revenge can be achieved in Hamlet’s play. This idea comes from his father’s Ghost. This idea will guide Hamlet throughout all of the story.

Hamlet is unaware of the Ghost’s identity the first time he sees it. It is, to Hamlet’s delight, the Ghost of his father. The Ghost suggests that Hamlet seek revenge. The Ghost advises Hamlet to seek revenge against his father. The Ghost tells Hamlet that he is his father’s spirit. He will have to live a certain time in the dark, and must fast in fires every day until all the evil things done in my natural days are purg’d and burned. The secrets of my prison are kept secret, so I can only tell a tale that will harrow the soul and make the eyes of the young star. My two eyes would be like stars. Each hair will be able to stand up like quills on a fretful porcupine. This eternal blazon should not be heard by flesh and blood. List, list, O, list! It is clear that the Ghost has a vision of revenge. The Ghost wants to exact revenge for his father’s death, since it is his spirit. The spirit says that he is locked up until revenge is served on the people who did him wrong. Hamlet is shocked by this suggestion and is unsure what he should do to exact revenge. The Ghost then gives the Ghost its opinion on how to get revenge. The Ghost then suggests Hamlet should murder the father who murdered him. They must be killed in the most natural way. This shows that the spirit is seeking to make the murderer suffer as much possible. Hamlet’s ultimate goal is to exact revenge on his father’s death. He must first find out who his father’s murderer was. This is the main theme of Hamlet’s play. ‘Nay. Do not think that I flatter; for how much advancement may I expect from thee, if no revenue hast thy good spirit to feed thee and clothe him? Why should the rich be flatter’d. Let the sugary tongue lick absurd pomp. Can you hear me? My dear soul was mistress at her will and could distinguish between men. Her election has sealed thee for herself. Thou hast been one, in suc’ring all; a man Fortune’s buffets have ta’en at with equal thanks. The blest men are those whose judgment and blood are well-commingled so that they cannot be used as a pipe by Fortune’s finger. I will take a man who isn’t passion’s slave. I think this is too much. It includes one scene, near the story of my father’s murder. When I see that act, I will prithee. My uncle may also be observing. If his occulted guilt cannot be unkennel by one speech, It’s a damned Ghost that we’ve seen. And my imaginations are as bad as Vulcan stithy. Please take care of Hamlet. His plan is to create a play that includes a scene about his father’s death and to then find guilt in some of the actions of others. Hamlet suspects his uncle. He believes that his uncle is the murderer in his father’s death. Hamlet discovers that Claudius was the murderer of his father. The goal of Hamlet is to kill Claudius. Claudius is still praying when he gets his first idea to murder him. “Now might it be that I did it pat. He is now praying. And now, I will do it. So he goes to heaven, so I’m vengeful. This would be scan. This would be scanned. This isn’t revenge but rather hire and salary. He took my mother grossly, with all his infractions wide blown, as flushed and happy as May. But in his circumstance and thought, ‘Tis heavy; and am I then vengeful, To take his soul in the purging, When he has been seasoned and fit for his passage. No. You are a worse hent. When he’s drunk or in rage. My mother remains. This physician but prolongs your sickly days.’ Hamlet, 3.3.2356) Hamlet quotes Hamlet about his process of finding the right time to kill Claudius. He doesn’t believe that praying while he is praying is the best time as that is when God is closest to him. He intends to take him when he is in the most sinful state or when he’s farthest from God.

Hamlet achieves revenge in the final act of this play. Hamlet is determined to kill Claudius to achieve his goal. Hamlet eventually kills Claudius. Hamlet is finally allowed to kill Claudius. Hamlet poisons Claudius’ mother and then kills him. This potion is for you, Claudius, an incestuous, murd’rous, damned Dane. Is it thy union? Follow my Mother. (5.2.2984) This quote shows how Hamlet achieves his revenge. Unfortunately, Hamlet’s revenge causes the deaths and poisonings of many people. ‘O, I die, Horatio! The poisonous potent poison almost o’ercrows the spirit. I am unable to hear England’s news, but I prophesy Fortinbras. He is my dying voice. He has my dying voice.

Hamlet’s revenge theme is evident throughout the play. Hamlet is seeking to avenge his father’s death throughout the play. Hamlet finally achieves his revenge by killing Claudius. This revenge comes with a price, though, as many people are killed. Was it worth the pain?

Works cited

“Please Wait.” Hamlet (Complete Text) :|: Open Source Shakespeare, &pleasewait=1&msg=pl.


  • lindabarber

    I'm Linda Barber, a 29-year-old blogger and teacher. I'm passionate about writing and communicating ideas, and I love helping others achieve their goals. I also love going on adventures, learning new things, and spending time with my family and friends.



I'm Linda Barber, a 29-year-old blogger and teacher. I'm passionate about writing and communicating ideas, and I love helping others achieve their goals. I also love going on adventures, learning new things, and spending time with my family and friends.

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